
About this site

This site contains various articles and reflections on the history and faith of the Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church of Malankara, in Kerala. The information presented and the views expressed here are the result of my own research over many years, and do not represent the official views of the Church.

All the information here is shared in the spirit of improving our understanding of the issues discussed, and I welcome respectful comments and debate around my articles.

About me

I am a researcher in Church History.  I was born and brought up in Kerala, in a Syrian Christian family.  I worked as a lecturer in English Language & Literature in universities in several different countries, finally coming to settle down in Cambridge, England.  In the recent past I changed discipline, devoting myself to the study of the history of the Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church in Kerala, completing my doctorate from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, UK, in January 2020. My thesis was titled Narratives of religious identity: the self-perception of the Jacobite Syrian Christians of Kerala.

A summary of it can be read here.

Information about this site.